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We Believe in You

Type: Paperback

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We Believe in You: Twelve Inspiring Stories of COURAGE, FAITH, and ACTION From American Women’s History

by Bonnie Hurd Smith

“Make the world better.” These were Lucy Stone’s dying words, whispered to her daughter, Alice Stone Blackwell, in 1893. Lucy didn’t live to see women achieve the right to vote, for which she had worked tirelessly, but her daughter did. Like Lucy Stone, women throughout American history have written, spoken, organized, and created to make the world better for women and girls. Why? Because they had faith in their gifts and their purpose, and they believed in future generations yet to come. In other words, they believed in you. Today, it is more important than ever to hold up stories of courage from unlikely sources in the face of daunting obstacles. Our young activist people, especially, need to know that they are part of this heritage. This book tells the inspiring stories of twelve women who faced challenges of gender and race. And yet, they changed the world: Abigail Adams*Louisa May Alcott*Anne Bradstreet*Lydia Maria Child*Margaret Fuller*Edmonia Lewis*Judith Sargent Murray*Elizabeth Peabody*Sarah Parker Remond*Maria Stewart*Lucy Stone. Read their impressive, inspiring stories, and then “listen in” as they answer the question, “What advice would you offer us today?”