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A Homeopathic Handbook of Natural Remedies

Type: Paperback
A Homeopathic Handbook of Natural Remedies offers the most succinct and up-to-date information available on homeopathy, a method of healing that works by stimulating the body’s natural defenses. Laura Josephson provides an overview of the healing principles and history of homeopathy, clear guidelines for identifying and treating symptoms, and instructions for preparing and stocking your home kit.

In addition to homeopathic first aid treatment for such ailments as back pain, puncture wounds, eye injuries, fractures, and insect bites, the book outlines remedies for a wide range of everyday complaints, including allergies, coughs, colds, flu, fevers, digestive problems, headaches, PMS, earaches, insomnia, jet lag, and more. A separate section deals specifically with childhood conditions.

Also included is an extensive resource directory of homeopathic pharmacies and a list of articles and other publications that provide further information.